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MonaVie for LIFE!!!

MonaVie for LIFE!!!
The Brazilian açai berry is the crown jewel of MonaVie's premier blends. For countless centuries, the people of the Amazon have revered this unique fruit for its health-promoting properties and prized it as a source of health and vitality. The remarkable health benefits of açai are continually being documented by modern science. And because of its unparalleled antioxidant levels and extraordinary nutrient content, açai is now widely regarded as one of the world's top superfoods. Açai is rich in the following beneficial nutrients: * Antioxidants * Phytonutrients * Amino acids * Vitamins * Trace minerals. "The acai berry is very high in antioxidants, and has observable health benefits," says MonaVie CFO Devin Thorpe. "Most people who drink the juice love how it makes them feel. In today's society where proper nutrition has taken a backseat to fast food and convenience, our bodies really thank us when we give it something healthful and nutritious." Click on the Picture of the MonaVie Bottle to watch a short VIDEO on what MONAVIE JUICE is all about.

MonaVie - Favoured by Health Conscious STARS and CELEBRITIES

MonaVie - Favoured by Health Conscious STARS and CELEBRITIES

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MonaVie's 2nd WAVE!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Diet Loaded with Antioxidant-rich Foods Improves Insulin Resistance, and thus Helps to Prevent Type-2 Diabetes!!!

(NaturalNews) According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDKD), insulin resistance is a condition in which the pancreas eventually can't keep up with the body's demand for insulin (a hormone that helps the body use glucose for energy). Eventually, an excess of glucose builds up in the bloodstream -- and that sets the stage for type 2 diabetes.

New research just presented at the Endocrine Society's 92nd Annual Meeting, held in San Diego, shows that natural antioxidants in the diet can be a powerful way to improve insulin resistance -- even in people who are obese and suffering from metabolic syndrome. A precursor of diabetes associated with insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions (including high blood pressure, elevated insulin levels, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels) that raise the risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as diabetes.
"The beneficial effects of antioxidants are known, but we have revealed for the first time one of their biological bases of action -- improving hormonal action in obese subjects with the metabolic syndrome," lead researcher Antonio Mancini, MD, an endocrinology researcher at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, Italy, said in a statement to the media.

Dr. Mancini and his fellow researchers investigated the effects of dietary antioxidants on insulin resistance in 16 men and 13 women between 18 and 66 years of age. All the research subjects were obese and insulin-resistant but had not yet developed full-blown diabetes. The study participants were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups. Then all groups were place on low-calorie, Mediterranean-type diets averaging 1,500 calories daily and containing only 25 percent of these calories from protein foods with the rest made up of low-glycemic-index carbohydrates (carbs such as whole grains that don't cause a quick rise in blood sugar).

However, while one group ate only this diet, the second group consumed the same foods but also took the an oral medication that lowers blood glucose called metformin (sold under the brand names Glucophage, Glucophage XR, Glumetza, Fortamet, and Riomet). Groups three and four ate a Mediterranean style diet, too, but theirs was enriched with extra helpings of fruits and vegetables that are known to be loaded with antioxidants; group four was also given metformin.

Even though all the research subjects in each group lost about the same amount of weight, only the two groups consuming the high antioxidant diet (groups 3 and 4) had a significant decrease in insulin resistance. The latter group had the best improvement based on an oral glucose tolerance test, according to the scientists' report.
Although the researchers did not discuss the possibility, the ability of the high antioxidant diet to greatly improve insulin resistance without any medication is a hopeful indication that diets rich in natural antioxidants alone may help many people faced with this pre-diabetic problem who can not take -- or don't want to take -- the drug metformin. The medication's most common side effects (which occur in one out of every three patients) are nausea, vomiting, gas, bloating, diarrhea and loss of appetite.

Dr. Mancini pointed out that there's evidence oxidative stress, which can result in damage to blood particles and cells, plays a role in the metabolic syndrome. And previous research has shown that antioxidants can prevent oxidative damage to cells and sometimes even repair damage. Antioxidants, which are found naturally in many foods including fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts, include vitamins E and C, selenium and carotenoids, such as beta-carotene.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Get to Know Quercetin Very Well...He Could Help Save Your Life!!! New Research: Flavonoid Quercetin Fights Viral Infections, Protects Against Chronic Lung Diseases!!!

An APPLE (well, maybe a few APPLES) a day really does keep the DOCTOR away and at bay...but only if the Apple is eaten with the SKIN ON!!! Because quercetin, a flavonoid and phytonutrient, known to be a powerful antioxidant with antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties, is concentrated in the skin of apples.

According to NaturalNews, Asthma, cystic fibrosis (CF) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are serious and even life-threatening conditions. However, these health problems share something with a usually minor infection -- the common cold. The connection? Rhinovirus (RV), a single-stranded RNA virus from the picornaviridae family, causes the majority of colds and RV is also known to trigger exacerbations of CF, asthma and COPD.

But now University of Michigan at Ann Arbor scientists have found that a natural substance, the flavonoid quercetin, puts the brakes on the ability of RV to replicate. It also fights inflammation. According to their research just presented at the American Thoracic Society (ATS) 2010 International Conference held in New Orleans, quercetin could be a treatment for rhinovirus-caused infections and could be particularly beneficial for people with serious underlying chronic lung diseases.

That's great news not just for people looking for a possible cure for the common cold but especially for those suffering from conditions like COPD and CF that rob them of the ability to breathe. For example, COPD (which includes emphysema and chronic obstructive bronchitis) causes coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and other symptoms. According the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, COPD is a major cause of disability and the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. CF is an inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system of about 30,000 children and adults in the US. It causes the body to produce a thick, sticky mucus that clogs the lungs and can lead to life-threatening lung infections.

For their study, the University of Michigan research team decided to test quercetin on cells infected with RV. A phytochemical found in the skins of apples, red onions and other foods, quercetin is known to be a powerful antioxidant with antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties. So the scientists hypothesized that quercetin might reduce the ability of RV to spark an inflammatory response. That's important because inflammation causes oxidative stress which can disrupt the function of epithelial cells (cells that line cavities and structures) inside airways, negatively impacting the ability to breathe.

Their lab experiments with RV infected cells showed that the researchers were right. The results suggested that quercetin actually inhibited the ability of the virus to replicate. The flavonoid also appeared to reduce the RV-triggered immune system response that can cause cytokines (proteins that are secreted by specific cells of the immune system) to induce excess inflammation. "Therefore, quercetin may be beneficial in the treatment of viral infections, particularly in patients with underlying chronic lung disease," the researchers stated.

As NaturalNews has previously reported, evidence has been accumulating over the past several years that shows phytonutrients such as quercetin are powerful protectors of health ( For example, the flavonoid may protect brain cells and help prevent dementia ( A study by University of South Carolina research found quercetin can boost exercise endurance, too (

 NaturalNews  also reported that Quercetin, a plant-derived flavonoid, is commonly taken as a nutritional supplement. Quercetin has been linked to supporting the immune system, clearing excess congestion, supporting bone health, and may aid in fighting mild allergy problems. It is also used in some weight control programs. Quercetin, like other flavonoids, is an antioxidant that travels throughout the body removing harmful free radicals. Studies have also shown that quercetin may also be a potential solution to cardiovascular disease, a leading cause of death in the United States.

This idea came from a recent study conducted to study the effects of quercetin on overweight people with high cardiovascular risk. This plant-derived flavonoid was tested on a group of ninety-three overweight and obese subjects ranging from ages twenty-five to sixty-five. Each individual was given only 150mg of quercetin per day, while regular quercetin capsules are weighted at 500mg and can be taken up to three times a day. Over the six-week trial period of taking quercetin in smaller doses, the capsule was found to lower blood pressure and significantly prevent damage to LDL cholesterol. Since only damaged LDL cholesterol causes plaque build up, quercetin was shown to prevent Cardiovascular Disease overall.

The results from this study present new-found information about the effectiveness of quercetin. Previous to this groundbreaking study, it was not known if quercetin taken by itself would have any effect on cardiovascular health. Now supplementing with quercetin can be done with confidence, as we now know individual flavonoids such as quercetin are indeed potent.

On top of preventing cardiovascular disease, quercetin is capable of saving even more lives in different ways. In 2006, 56,561 people died from hypertension in the United States. With one in three adults suffering from high blood pressure, quercetin could lower the number of deaths occurring due to hypertension.

In addition to cardiovascular disease and hypertension, quercetin along with other flavonoids has proven to protect against cancer. Flavonoids are found in fruits and vegetables and have been proven to lower the risk of cancer. Fruits and vegetables alone also contain many anti-cancer properties, including a multitude of antioxidants and other nutrients. Another means of taking in flavonoids is through quercetin supplementation. With supplementation you can get higher doses of quercetin without eating excessive amounts of foods rich in quercetin.

In another smaller study, the effects of quercetin were also shown to aid in fighting inflammatory problems such as prostatitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis are suggested to follow a diet consisting of uncooked fruits and vegetables, seeds, and nuts. Men with prostatitis have also been shown to have more relief from symptoms when taking quercetin than men taking a placebo.

Peaches and Plums Could be a Woman's Best Friends! Breast Cancer Cells Destroyed by Peach and Plum Extracts!!!

As it turns out, even though Diamonds may be a Woman's best friend...that could totally be the wrong is the wrong STONE!!! PEACHES and PLUMS could well turn out to be a Woman's BEST FRIENDS, from the perspective of HEALTH!!! Peaches and plums are fruits known as "STONE" fruits because of their large, stone-like seeds. Recent studies have revealed that Breast cancer cells were destroyed by peach and plum extracts!!!

NaturalNews reported that even the most aggressive types of breast cancer cells couldn't stand up to treatments with peach and plum extracts. That's the outcome of a natural fruit-derived treatment tested in the Texas AgriLife Research Lab which resulted in cancer cells dying while normal cells were not harmed at all.

"It was a differential effect which is what you're looking for because in current cancer treatment with chemotherapy, the substance kills all cells, so it is really tough on the body," Dr. David Byrne, an AgriLife Research plant breeder and scientist, said in a press statement. "Here, there is a five-fold difference in the toxic intensity. You can put it at a level where it will kill the cancer cells -- the very aggressive ones -- and not the normal ones."

So what could be in peaches and plums (fruits known as "stone" fruits because of their large, stone-like seeds) that zaps even the most deadly breast cancer cells? In their study, which was published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry , Dr. Byrne and fellow AgriLife food scientist Dr. Luis Cisneros-Zevallos concluded two phenolic compounds were responsible for the cancer cell deaths.

Phenols are organic compounds that occur in fruits. Slightly acidic, phenols are associated with the color, smell and taste of specific fruits. In a statement to the media, Dr. Cisneros-Zevallos explained that two specific phenolic acid components -- known as chlorogenic and neochlorogenic compounds -- were responsible for killing the breast cancer cells in the AgriLife study. Although very common in fruits, stone fruits such as plums and peaches are especially rich in these types of phenols.

In addition to their successful research showing the stone fruit phenols killed breast cancer cells, the research team also found that animal studies provided even more evidence that the fruit extracts have power anti-cancer properties. The compounds prevented cancer from growing in animals given the fruit treatments.

As NaturalNews has reported, researchers are zeroing in on how a host of phytonutrients in foods are potent breast cancer fighters. For example, University of Michigan (U-M) Comprehensive Cancer Center scientists recently discovered that a natural component of broccoli and broccoli sprouts has the remarkable ability to target cancer stem cells -- the specific cells responsible for fueling the growth of cancerous breast tumors ( In addition, University of Missouri scientists have found that curcumin, a popular Indian spice derived from the turmeric root, could reduce the risk of breast cancer risk in women exposed to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) (

Thursday, May 20, 2010

1 plus 1 does not equal 2. Two Arthritis Powerhouses Even Stronger Together as new research shows that Omega-3 fats and Glucosamine work together to provide additional benefits for people with Osteoarthritis.

Here is a good example of what SYNERGY is all about...where ONE plus ONE definitely does not equal TWO!

Dr. Mercola posted that new research shows that Omega-3 fats and Glucosamine work together to provide additional benefits for people with Osteoarthritis.

According to the Dr. Mercola post, scientists gave 1500 mg of glucosamine sulfate to the study participants, but some also received 200 mg of omega-3 fats. Both groups had about the same number of participants who reported a 20 percent or less reduction in pain.

The conclusion from the study was that those in the glucosamine plus omega-3 group reported higher percentages that experienced reduced morning stiffness and pain in the hips and knees, when compared with the glucosamine only group.

The full details of the Dr. Mercola post can be found HERE.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Is this enough to get you NUTTY yet? No typo there...I meant NUTTY, not NAUGHTY!!! The Health Benefits of Cashews!

This is from the Authentic Self Wellness Website, documenting the Health Benefits of Cashews.

I guess that it is time for me to go NUTS about NUTS, especially if they are CASHEW NUTS, which I am crazy about anyway...but I now have even more reasons to eat them!

Did you know that Cashew nuts are a super tasty, heart-healthy food? Cashews are indigenous to the Americas but are widely cultivated in India and Africa. They are a great on-the-go snack and can be used in a variety of different recipes. According to Authentic Self Wellness, here are some of the health benefits of eating cashews.

  • Cashews have a lower fat content than most nuts. That being said, the fat that is in cashews is unsaturated, the same heart-healthy fat that is found in olive oil (oleic acid). Oleic acid has been shown to promote good cardiovascular health, even in individuals with diabetes.
  • These nuts are a good source of magnesium, a mineral that helps regulate nerve and muscle tone. Cashews are also rich in minerals that help to maintain healthy bone density. They are a very good source of copper which is a co-factor for enzymes necessary for proper bone metabolism.
  • Cashews are also rich in phytosterols, phytonutrients that can help block cholesterol absorption and lower cholesterol levels in the body.
  • 20 years of dietary data collected on thousands of individuals show that women who eat at least one ounce of nuts a week have a 25 percent lower risk of developing gallstones.
  • Cashews are a good source of sleep-promoting tryptophan.

    Mateljan, G. (2007). The Worlds Healthiest Foods. Seattle, WA: George Mateljan Foundation.

    Friday, April 30, 2010

    The Seven Laws of Nutrition - How to Transform your Health, Reverse Chronic Disease and Free Yourself from Pharmaceuticals by Mastering the Fundamental Laws of Nutrition

    New BOOK out -  The Seven Laws of Nutrition - How to Transform your Health, Reverse Chronic Disease and Free Yourself from Pharmaceuticals by Mastering the Fundamental Laws of Nutrition

    Author Mike Adams takes you on a life-transforming tour through the world of foods, nutrition and chronic disease prevention in this masterful guide that teaches you how to take charge of your health. Inside, you'll hear nothing but the straight truth on conventional medicine, food manufacturing companies, the USDA, and why most doctors are clueless about nutrition. More importantly, you'll learn how to take control of your health with new information about healing foods, straightforward disease prevention, and the innate healing potential of your own body!

    Here's what else you'll learn inside:
    • Why most modern diseases are actually a result of nutritional deficiencies that can be easily corrected.
    • The four key steps to changing your life and achieving any level of health you desire.
    • Details on how the standard American breakfast actually causes FIVE chronic diseases in one meal!
    • How certain everyday foods, available at any grocery store, actually offer stronger disease-fighting potential than outrageously expensive prescription drugs.
    • How food processing companies actually strip away as much as 98% of the nutrition of whole grains before delivering products for human consumption.
    • The shocking reason why the FDA and pharmaceutical companies don't want you to learn that you can prevent and even reverse many chronic diseases with nothing but healing foods and nutritional supplements.
    • Why pet food is often far healthier than the food people eat (and why feeding people food to a dog might be animal cruelty!).
    • Why you can't afford to wait on conventional medicine to change its ways: if you want to be healthy, you have to take charge NOW!
    • How we're poisoning our schoolchildren, our families and ourselves with a diet of manufactured, processed foods that directly promote chronic disease.
    • How to make sure you NEVER get cancer, even if your parents did, by following an anti-cancer nutritional strategy.
    • Why most conventional medicine doctors don't have a clue about nutrition (hint: nutrition isn't even taught in medical schools).
    • How you can completely rebuild your entire body, at a molecular level, by making new food choices starting today.
    • Why nutritional supplements -- even expensive supplements -- are dirt cheap compared to the cost of being sick or diseased.
    • The schocking truth of how products like SlimFast and Ensure are mostly sugar water!
    • How new technology, available right now, can predict your health future using a blue laser light that detects the level of nutrition circulating in your bloodstream
    • How a common vitamin supplement, available everywhere, is actually a cancer-fighting, disease-busting superfood supplement (and why the FDA won't allow the manufacturer to tell you the truth about this product).
    • The true cause of type II diabetes, and how it can be easily reversed with foods and exercise.
    • Why superfoods provide all the nutrition you need to prevent chronic disease, support healthy mental function, and extend your lifespan.
    • How to greatly enhance your mental function and eliminate depression through food choice and affordable nutritional supplements.
    • The real story on natural sunlight and why sunshine is essential nutrition for the human body (it prevents prostate cancer, breast cancer, mental depression and much more).
    • Straight talk about the disastrous USDA Food Guide Pyramid and how its advice actually promotes chronic disease (especially diabetes).
    • Why your own good health causes drug companies to lose a lifelong customer (and takes away revenues from hospitals and doctors, too).
    • Grocery store warning: why "enriched" white flour is actually a nutritional disaster that promotes chronic disease.
    • The truth about how your own body already contains miraculous "biological nanotechnology" that's more advanced than any technology ever invented by human beings.
    • Exposed! Why the idea that your genes are responsible for your disease is nothing but pessimistic medical propaganda that steals your power and makes you think you can't ever achieve superior health.
    • The truth about why disease is never caused by bad luck: it's always cause and effect, and the outcome of virtually any disease can be altered or reversed through nutrition.
    • How to tell the difference between living foods and dead foods, and what it all means for your health and lifespan.
    • Birth defects explained: the vast majority are caused by nutritional deficiencies that could be easily corrected with affordable nutritional supplements.
    • The shocking truth about white flour: it's a highly effective insecticide!
    • Why most common diseases (cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.) are really just metabolic disorders and technically aren't "diseases" at all.
    • The truth about prescription drugs and how they only mask symptoms of disease rather than actually making patients healthier.
    • Why it's impossible to get optimum nutrition without taking nutritional supplements or eating superfoods.
    • What human nutrition has in common with plant and animal nutrition (and how to exploit those similarities to prevent chronic disease).
    • The straight truth on which grocery store foods can prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes and many other chronic diseases.
    • The real reason why health-enhancing "by products" of grain milling are fed to cows and pigs rather than humans (hint: ranchers only make money when their cows stay healthy).
    • The sad truth on how nutritional deficiencies actually create a multi-billion dollar disease treatment industry that exploits the health of the public for profit.
    • Why food manufacturers are just like Big Tobacco in denying the dangerous truth about their disease-promoting products.
    • The complete list of superfoods you can buy at any grocery store or health food store.
    • Shocking details on how whole grains are processed, stripped of their nutrition, and then sold to food manufacturing companies for use in cereals, cookies, crackers, breads and other products that promote disease.
    • How your body is pre-programmed for superior health, but can only achieve it if you provide the nutritional building blocks it needs to stay healthy.
    • Why losing excess body fat will happen naturally and effortlessly as a result of making new food choices based on nutrition.
    • Why professional gardeners and veterinarians actually know more about nutrition than conventional medical doctors.
    • The real explanation of how we can be overweight and yet malnourished at the same time.
    • Revealed: the lies and distortions of the food lobby which claims there is no such thing as an unhealthy food.
    • Why the USDA can never be trusted to provide unbiased advice on foods and nutrition.
    • How even healthy-looking fruits and vegetables at the grocery store simply don't provide the vitamins and minerals you think they do.
    • Revealed: revolutionary new technology that scans your body and determines your level of nutrition in just three minutes!
    • How we can save our nation and our children by banning soft drinks and junk foods in schools.
    • The shocking truth of how the U.S. government actually subsidizes food ingredients that promote chronic disease, encouraging price-conscious consumers to buy more!
    There's no book like this one. It presents a lifesaving education in nutrition, but without technical jargon of any kind. It's written for anyone who is tired of being diseased, exhausted, and broke thanks to conventional medicine. It's for people who want to take charge of their health and transform it, freeing themselves from the deadly influence of drug companies and poorly-informed health practitioners.

    Whether you want to prevent chronic disease or beat disease you may already be experiencing, this book gives you the lifesaving information you need to take charge of your health outcome. The information it presents is strongly supported by thousands of naturopathic doctors, nutritionists, herbalists and natural health practitioners around the world.
      Disclaimer: This book is not intended as medical advice. Always work with a naturopathic physician in treating any health condition.

      Wednesday, April 28, 2010

      Omega 3s May Help Cut COLON Cancer Risk

      REUTERS on April 23, 2010, reported that Omega 3s may help to cut COLON Cancer risk.

      NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People who eat plenty of fish oil and other omega-3 fatty acids could cut their risk of colon cancer, new research hints.

      Studies in animals and a couple of small trials in people suggest that fish oil supplementation can fight inflammation and may have cancer-fighting properties, Dr. Sangmi Kim of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, and colleagues note. But so far studies looking at the diets of larger groups of people have had equivocal results.

      To investigate further, Kim and colleagues examined the relationship between polyunsaturated fatty acid intake and bowel cancer risk in 1,503 whites (including 716 colon cancer patients and 787 healthy controls) and 369 African Americans (213 with colon cancer, 156 controls).

      Among whites, the researchers found, those in the top fourth based on their omega-3 consumption had half the risk of colon cancer compared to those in the bottom fourth.

      When the researchers looked separately at the two main fatty acids contained in fish oil --eicosapentaenoic acids and docosahexaenoic acids -- they found risk also fell with increasing intake.

      When the researchers looked at whites and blacks together, they also found a reduced risk of colon cancer with increasing omega 3 intake; separate analysis of the black study participants didn't find this relationship.

      They also found that people who consumed more omega-6 fatty acids in relation to omega-3s were more likely to have colon cancer, although omega-6 intake in and of itself didn't affect risk.

      In addition to fish oils, omega-3 fatty acid sources include seed oils, such as walnut oil and flax-seed oils, and leafy green vegetables. People in the US typically eat more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3s; top sources include palm oil, soybean oil, and sunflower oil.

      The researchers also found an "unexpected" association between higher omega-3 intake and colon cancer in African-Americans, but urged caution in interpreting this finding, which they say "may have been due to chance." Nevertheless, they conclude, "whether the possible benefit from this dietary modification varies by race warrants further evaluation."

      SOURCE: American Journal of Epidemiology, online April 14, 2010.

      FACT: The ACAI berry is very rich in healthy Omega fats. Nearly 50% of the ACAI berry is fat - with 74% of the fat coming from healthy unsaturated fats such as Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9.

      Go with MonaVie for your VITAL NUTRITIONAL NEEDS, HIGH FIBER CONTENT and OMEGA FATS (3, 6, 9), to help you fight INFLAMMATION in your body and to help cut your risk of COLON CANCER, inclusive of your needs for ANTIOXIDANTS to COMBAT FREE RADICALS!!!

      Please CLICK HERE, should you wish to REGISTER IMMEDIATELY to become a DISTRIBUTOR or to become a CONSUMER / PREFERRED CUSTOMER to BEGIN your JOURNEY with MONAVIE.
      Alternatively, call me at: +65 9630-1658 RON YEAP

      Saturday, March 6, 2010

      Could Germs Be Making You Fat?

      REUTERS on Friday, 5th March, 2010, published some eye-opening findings! Maybe, I should say gut-wrenching findings since they actually relate to the HUMAN GUT!

      According to REUTERS, researchers reported on Thursday that germs that make their home in the gut may help cause obesity and a range of health-threatening symptoms that go along with it.

      It could be that certain bacteria cause inflammation that can affect appetite as well as inflammatory bowel conditions, like Crohn's disease and colitis, the researchers reported in the journal Science.

      In other words, the germs make you overeat, Andrew Gewirtz of Emory University in Atlanta and colleagues reported.

      "Previous research has suggested that bacteria can influence how well energy is absorbed from food, but these findings demonstrate that intestinal bacteria can actually influence appetite," Gewirtz said.

      "The obesity epidemic is driven by people eating too much, but why are people eating more?"

      Gewirtz said the research suggests that bacteria may play a role - perhaps a population of bacteria that thrive because other, competing organisms have been wiped out by antibiotics, access to clean water and other factors of modern life.

      As if to confirm this, Ed Yong says that "The obesity epidemic is a massive concern for the 21st century. New research shows that the bacteria that live inside our digestive systems could have a large impact on our risk of being obese."

      Gerwitz's team stumbled on the findings by accident.

      "We were studying mice that had colitis," Gewirtz said in a telephone interview.

      The team suspected some kind of germ was responsible, so they transferred mouse embryos into surrogate mothers to prevent them from being infected by their own mothers.

      Babies are colonized by bacteria and other micro-organisms soon after birth and the makeup of these colonies - which persist for life in the skin and bowels - are very similar to those of the mother.

      The colitis was better but the baby mice became obese and developed metabolic syndrome - a cluster of symptoms that include unhealthy cholesterol levels, too much fat around the midsection, high blood pressure and insulin resistance.

      Insulin resistance means the body does not use insulin effectively to break down food and Gewirtz believes this may be the key.

      Go with MonaVie for your VITAL NUTRITIONAL NEEDS and HIGH FIBER CONTENT, to help you fight INFLAMMATION in your body, inclusive of your needs for ANTIOXIDANTS to COMBAT FREE RADICALS!!!

      Please CLICK
      HERE, should you wish to REGISTER IMMEDIATELY to become a DISTRIBUTOR or to become a CONSUMER / PREFERRED CUSTOMER to BEGIN your JOURNEY with MONAVIE.
      Alternatively, call me at: +65 9630-1658 RON YEAP

      Thursday, February 11, 2010

      Your IMMUNE SYSTEM - The KEY in Fighting TUMOR Re-Seeding

      EXCERPTED from stated in the Journal Cell on Thursday, December 24, 2009, that tumors, besides metastasizing throughout the body, can actually re-seed themselves. They stated that this may be one explanation as to why a tumor reappears after being removed. The premise given is that circulating cancer cells can go back to their place of origin, recolonizing in the original tumor site. This process is called self-seeding. The re-population of the tumor site with these aggressive cells enables the tumor to grow at a more rapid rate. The research team's focus in controlling these cells is our very immune system. A failed immune system plays a critical part in the re-seeding process. Tumor recurrence is the consequence of a failed immune system. Concentrating on the immune system is an integral part of preventing, not only metastasis, but also future recolonization of the primary tumor site. In doing so, all parts of a person`s lifestyle must be addressed which includes diet, exercise, providing the body with the needed vitamins and minerals, and taking the proper anti-cancer and immune strengthening supplements.

      There are many reasons that an immune system becomes compromised. As people age, their immune system becomes weakened. Other contributing factors are:
      • Poor Nutrition
      • Lack of Exercise
      • Sleep Deprivation
      • Emotional Trauma
      • Medications
      • Toxins
      The first area to take into consideration is one's diet. A healthy diet should consist of raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, roots and tubers. However, because of their sugar content, the emphasis should be on vegetables, while limiting fruits. Additionally, juicing has powerful health benefits that have been known to reverse disease.

      Do you have time to go for the minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, with variety thrown in?

      Go with MonaVie for your VITAL NUTRITIONAL NEEDS and HIGH FIBER CONTENT, inclusive of your needs for ANTIOXIDANTS to COMBAT FREE RADICALS!!! 

      Please CLICK
      HERE, should you wish to REGISTER IMMEDIATELY to become a DISTRIBUTOR or to become a CONSUMER / PREFERRED CUSTOMER to BEGIN your JOURNEY with MONAVIE.

      Alternatively, call me at: +65 9630-1658 RON YEAP

      FACTBOX: Some Facts about CANCER Around the World

      REUTERS on Tuesday, February 02, 2010, reported that forty percent of the 12 million people diagnosed with cancer each year could avert the killer disease with protection against infections and lifestyle changes, experts said Tuesday ahead of World Cancer Day on February 4.

      The number of global cancer deaths is projected to increase by 45 percent from 2007 to 2030 (from 7.9 million to 11.5 million deaths), influenced in part by an increasing and aging global population.

      Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and the total number of cases globally is increasing, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

      European cancer experts issued a report last year warning that a wave of cancer now threatens developing countries, estimating that around half of the 12.4 million new cases in 2008 occurred in low and middle income countries.

      Here are some facts about cancer:


      -- Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Other terms used are malignant tumors and neoplasms.

      -- A defining feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, and which can then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs. This process is referred to as metastasis. Metastases are the major cause of death from cancer.

      * KEY RISKS:

      -- Some key risk factors for cancer that can be avoided include smoking -- responsible for 1.8 million cancer deaths per year (60 percent of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries).

      -- Being overweight, obese or physically inactive -- together responsible for 274,000 cancer deaths annually.

      -- Excessive alcohol intake -- responsible for 351,000 cancer deaths per year.

      -- Sexually transmitted human papilloma virus (HPV) infection -- responsible for 235,000 cancer deaths per year.

      Other cancer-causing infections include hepatitis C, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and Epstein Barr, a herpes-type virus transmitted by saliva. Smoking, poor diet and some infections carry high cancer risks.


      -- Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide: it accounted for 7.4 million deaths (around 13 percent of all deaths) in 2004.

      -- Lung, stomach, liver, colon and breast cancer cause the most cancer deaths each year.

      -- The most frequent types of cancer worldwide (in order of the number of global deaths) are:

      Among men -- lung, stomach, liver, colorectal, esophagus and prostate.

      Among women - breast, lung, stomach, colorectal and cervical.

      -- Aging is another fundamental factor for the development of cancer. The incidence of cancer rises dramatically with age, with the overall risk accumulation combined with the tendency for cellular repair mechanisms to be less effective, as a person grows older.

      -- The main types of cancer leading to overall cancer mortality each year are:

      Lung (1.3 million deaths/year):

      Stomach (803 000 deaths)

      Colorectal (639 000 deaths)

      Liver (610 000 deaths)

      Breast (519 000 deaths).

      Sources: Reuters/WHO

      (Writing by David Cutler, London Editorial Reference Unit; editing by Kate Kelland)

      FREE RADICALS are the ROOT CAUSE of all DISEASES...because FREE RADICALS attack our CELLS!

      Go with MonaVie for your VITAL NUTRITIONAL NEEDS, inclusive of your needs for ANTIOXIDANTS to COMBAT FREE RADICALS!!!
      Please CLICK HERE, should you wish to REGISTER IMMEDIATELY to become a DISTRIBUTOR or to become a CONSUMER / PREFERRED CUSTOMER to BEGIN your JOURNEY with MONAVIE.

      Alternatively, call me at: +65 9630-1658 RON YEAP

      Tuesday, February 9, 2010

      The "OKINAWAN" Experience - The Secrets to a Longer Life

      The Asian Food Information Centre (AFIC) ran an article on 31st March, 2008, on what can we do to increase our chances of living a LONG and HEALTHY LIFE!

      In essence, the article said that in almost every country in the world, the fastest growing population group is the 60 years and over age group. This has been attributed to improved health care, better housing, increased incomes and more nutritious diets. The countries in the world with the greatest life expectancies include Japan, Australia, Italy, Greece and Sweden. Japan tops the longevity stakes with a life expectancy of 86 years for women and 79 years for men. The number of people living to be 100 years or more in Japan has increased greatly. In 1963, there were only 153 recorded centenarians in the country while by 2006 the figure had increased to 28,395, of which 85% were women.

      The article then went on to say that the aging process is thought to be due to the accumulation of free radicals (substances formed as a result of normal body processes) which damage body tissues and DNA. In younger people, this damage is quickly and easily repaired. However, as we get older the damage accumulates resulting in chronic inflammation and irreversible DNA damage. This in turn increases the incidence of age-related conditions such as cancer and heart disease. But it appears that there are steps we can take to reduce the speed of this aging process and increase our chances of blowing out those 100 candles!

      Studies conducted on rats have shown that lowering energy (calorie) intake can extend the lifespan by 30 per cent. It is thought that fewer calories results in a decrease in the production of free radicals and hence an increase in longevity. Researchers have found lower blood sugar levels, reduced insulin levels and a reduction in the production of free radicals in rats fed low calorie diets. Low calorie diets have also been shown to increase the lifespan of worms, mice and flies and an ongoing experiment in monkeys is showing positive results too.

      The study looked to the OKINAWANS, as one of the most studied elderly populations is a group of people living on the Japanese island of Okinawa. It is believed that Okinawa has the world's largest number of centenarians (people living over 100 yrs) with 50 people per 100,000 aged over 100 yrs. In most developed countries including the USA, the rate is 10-20 per 100,000. So what do the Okinawans do that helps prolong their lives?

      What the study found was that apart from the fact that Okinawans appear to have “better” genes for aging, there are probably other factors which contributed to their longevity. One of these is their low saturated fat diet which is high in seafood, seaweed, fruit and vegetables. The other striking factor is that their diet is low in calories, due to a cultural tradition called “hara hachi bu” meaning “eat until you are only 80% full”, which is widely practiced in Okinawa. The Okinawans consume 20% fewer calories than the average Japanese diet which in turn is lower than that consumed in most other countries. In effect this means they consume about 500 calories less than the typical 2,000 plus calorie-diet consumed daily by an adult woman in a Western country.

      The article then went on to provide Tips for a Longer Life.

      Based on the Okinawan experience, it can be safely said that the aging process is influenced by a variety of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. While we can't control for all of these, there are a lot of things we can do to increase our chances of living longer. Following are some factors that can help contribute to a longer life:

      Stay active – exercise not only helps keep body fat levels down, it also keeps the brain active. A US study of 6,000 women aged 65 yrs and above, found that those who were active tended to retain their cognitive function better than those who were sedentary. Increased cardiovascular fitness appears to be linked to better brain function.

      Watch those calories – while a severe reduction in calories is not advised if you are normal weight or underweight, try to concentrate on wholesome foods like fruit, vegetables and whole grains, and aim to keep off those kilos that come creeping up with age. Watch that serving sizes don't get too big and make sure you offset your calorie intake by being active. If you are overweight, it's a good idea to drop the excess kilos through a healthy diet and exercise plan.

      Load up on fruits and vegetables – the more brightly colored the better. Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of bioflavenoids and other antioxidants which are known to help neutralize free radicals. They are also low in fat and provide dietary fiber. Aim for a minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables daily and make sure you get lots of variety.

      Choose the good fats – studies in populations that live longer in both Europe and Japan, show that their diets tend to be low in saturated fats (the type that raise cholesterol). Instead choose moderate amounts of mono-unsaturated fats (olive oil, canola oil, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, flax). Choose fish two to three times a week.

      Get enough sleep – a lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity and it can affect metabolism and hormone production. Aim for 7-8 hours a night.

      Moderate alcohol – high alcohol intakes are linked to increased body weight and other health issues including certain cancers. If you drink alcohol, limit it to just one to two drinks daily and aim for 1-2 alcohol-free days a week.

      De-stress – whatever works for you. Meditation, yoga, religion, a simple cup of tea or a walk in a garden.

      Don't smoke – smoking is linked to an increased risk of cancers, heart disease and stroke.

      To read this article in FULL, which is published in The Asian Food Information Centre (AFIC), CLICK HERE!

      Do you have time to go for the minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, with variety thrown in? 

      If not, go with MonaVie for your VITAL NUTRITIONAL NEEDS, inclusive of your needs for HIGH FIBER CONTENT!!!

      Please COMPLETE the FORM right at the BOTTOM of the PAGE, should you wish to REGISTER IMMEDIATELY to become a DISTRIBUTOR or to become a CONSUMER / PREFERRED CUSTOMER to BEGIN your JOURNEY with MONAVIE.

      Alternatively, call me at:
      +65 9630-1658 RON YEAP

      Monday, February 8, 2010

      WOMEN - How to Prevent and Eliminate FIBROIDS Naturally

      An article was published in on February 06, 2010 on "How to Prevent and Eliminate FIBROIDS Naturally".

      The article said that as women near the onset of menopause, hormonal changes increase the likelihood of fibroid development. Lower amounts of progesterone and increased amounts of estrogen can cause fibroids, which can lead to menstrual problems, anemia, dizziness and fatigue. A few changes in your diet and other healthy natural changes can help prevent the formation of fibroids and shrink and eliminate existing fibroids.

      First of all, it would be a good idea to get a complete gynecological evaluation to rule out conditions that may have symptoms similar to fibroids. The article said that once other conditions have been ruled out, there are some things that can help reduce and get rid of fibroids, and of the 10 things listed in the article, this includes: Eating a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables, especially raw fruits and vegetables for their fiber content and their digestive enzymes which help remove fibrin.

      To read this article in FULL, which is published in, and lists 10 things that can help reduce and get rid of fibroids, CLICK HERE!

      From the article "Açaí - Potent Antioxidant Superfruit", several facts about the nutrient content of the Açaí Berry come to light.

      As the following assessment of this berry's nutritional composition comes from two sources whose açaí samples were not identical, average or approximated data are presented:

      1. the caloric value of a single serving (approximately 600 calories per standard 100 g) is exceptional among comparative berry fruit such as goji (“wolfberry”, Lycium barbarum L.) and lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium L.), apparently due to its remarkably high fat content
      2. the total fat content for açaí berry is highly unusual for fruit, some 40% of dry weight
      3. it has a very high fiber content, approximately 35%
      4. relative to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) and the micronutrient-dense goji berry, açaí has remarkable contents of several essential minerals – calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc
      5. lipid-soluble antioxidant vitamins A and E are rich in concentration, 1000 IU and 45 mg per 100 g, respectively. 67% of the total tocopherols in açaí pulp are alpha-tocopherol. 
      Raw foods also contain digestive enzymes that cooked and processed foods lack. The digestive enzymes that Nature provides with the raw fruit, vegetable, or meat is the perfect match for that particular food. If you don't get the digestive enzymes in the foods that you eat, your body has to make them. That requires energy and nutrients that's depleting of your energy resources.

      Go with MonaVie for your VITAL NUTRITIONAL NEEDS, inclusive of your needs for HIGH FIBER CONTENT!!!

      Is it any wonder why people who consume MonaVie have felt an increase in their ENERGY levels?

      Please COMPLETE the FORM right at the BOTTOM of the PAGE, should you wish to REGISTER IMMEDIATELY to become a DISTRIBUTOR or to become a CONSUMER / PREFERRED CUSTOMER to BEGIN your JOURNEY with MONAVIE.

      Alternatively, call me at: +65 9630-1658 RON YEAP 

      Friday, February 5, 2010

      Fast Food Burgers, Fried Chicken Strongly Linked to Development of Type-2 Diabetes

      The Jury is out...Eating fast food more than twice a week has strong links with weight gain and insulin resistance, a US study shows.

      This suggests eating too much 'junk food' increases the risk of obesity and Type-2 diabetes, the Lancet study says.

       A report recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that black women who consume fried chicken or fast food burgers at least twice a week are between 40 and 70 percent more prone to develop type 2 diabetes over the course of a decade than those who do not. Not only black women but all people who consume high calorie, low nutrient fast foods on even a moderate basis are susceptible to developing the disease.

      The standard measuring tool for determining healthy body weight is the Body Mass Index (BMI). A healthy BMI is somewhere between 18.5 and 24.9. Most of the participants in the fast food group were somewhere between 28 and 29 when they started the study, which according the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is overweight. Those in this group also continued to gain more weight during the course of the study.

      Interestingly, the two foods that played the largest role in blood sugar disorder were fast food hamburgers and fried chicken. These foods were implicated in causing the most weight gain which resulted in more cases of diabetes. Nearly 3,000 women in the fast food eating group developed type-2 diabetes by the time the study concluded.

      Experts also concluded that those who ate the most fast food lived the most unhealthy lifestyles in general and were the most prone to developing other serious diseases throughout the course of their lives.

      To read this article in FULL, which was published in, CLICK HERE!

      Sources for this story include:

      It would appear that one of the keys to maintaining good health is to consume low calorie, high NUTRIENT foods.

      Go with MonaVie for your VITAL NUTRITIONAL NEEDS and for BETTER CARE OF YOUR BODY!!!

      Please COMPLETE the FORM right at the BOTTOM of the PAGE, should you wish to REGISTER IMMEDIATELY to become a DISTRIBUTOR or to become a CONSUMER / PREFERRED CUSTOMER to BEGIN your JOURNEY with MONAVIE.

      Alternatively, call me at: +65 9630-1658 RON YEAP

      Sunday, January 24, 2010

      What a REVELATION - SINGAPORE: Many Don't Seek Help for Chest Pains!!! Majority Would Neglect Chest Pains Because of Concerns Over Cost of Treatment!!!

      Cardiovascular disease was the top killer in Singapore in 2008, accounting for 32.4 per cent of all deaths.
      An Asiaone article published on January 24, 2010, that was based on a survey and titled "Many don't seek help for chest pains", says that one-fifth of respondents would rest rather than seek medical help.

      DESPITE knowing that chest pains are an early warning sign of a heart attack, about a fifth of Singaporeans would lie down in bed and rest rather than seek medical help, according to an independent survey.

      Conducted earlier this month, the 22-question survey was e-mailed to more than 400 people over the age of 16 and was demographically representative of the population.

      The results, revealed to The Straits Times yesterday, found that while 70 per cent of Singaporeans surveyed knew chest pains and breathlessness are warning signs of a heart attack, 21.8 per cent did not see the need to seek medical attention.

      A further 13.6 per cent of respondents would call an ambulance, while 15.6 per cent would immediately go to a hospital's accident and emergency department.

      The survey also showed more than half of respondents think heart disease is not as deadly as cancer. However, cardiovascular disease, which includes stroke and heart disease, is the leading cause of death and claims 15 lives each day - just under a third of all deaths in 2008. Cancer was responsible for 29.3 per cent of deaths that same year.

      More than three-quarters of respondents accurately picked the risk factors for heart disease including high cholesterol, high blood pressure and bad diet, but only 36 per cent knew diabetes was also a risk factor.

      Some of the findings from the Survey are as follows:


      Majority would neglect chest pains because of concerns over cost of treatment.
      • Worried about cost of treatment - 51.5%
      • Fearful of diagnosis - 32.2%
      • Afraid of surgery - 30.2%
      • Worried about recovery period/loss of pay - 19.6%
      • Worried about side effects - 18.3% 

      About one in five would lie down in bed if experiencing chest pains.
      • Lie down in bed and rest - 21.8%
      • Go to GP - 20%
      • Call family - 18.8%
      • Go to hospital/ER - 15.6%
      • Call an ambulance - 13.6%
      • Don't know/Not sure - 6.7%
      • Others - 3.5%

      Confusion between signs of heart attack and stroke

      When asked to choose heart attack symptoms from a list of 10 warning signs (comprising five signs each of stroke and heart attack), 42.1 per cent selected stroke signs instead, which are mainly numbness of limbs and loss of balance/coordination.
      • Chest discomfort/pains - 96%
      • Shortness of breath - 90.1%
      • Cold sweat - 64.6%
      • Back or jaw discomfort/pains - 27.2%
      • Nausea/vomiting - 23.8% 
      NOTE: * Figures do not add up to 100% as respondents could pick more than one answer

      To read this article in FULL, which was first published in The Straits Times, CLICK HERE!

      Heart problems were almost non-existent in most Asian countries where the typical diet consisted mainly of fish, vegetables, rice and other foods low in saturated fat. Tragically, as these countries have become industrialized and traditional diets are being replaced with Western diets, there has been an alarming rise of coronary heart disease. Unfortunately, most of these types of foods are high in salt, sugar, fat or calories and have low nutrient content.

      In an article posted by Dr. Mercola titled "7 Simple Steps for a Healthy Heart", it states that The American Heart Association (AHA) has, for the first time, identified seven health factors and lifestyle behaviors its research indicates are necessary to keep your heart in good shape.

      The AHA says ideal cardiovascular health for adults is defined by these health measures:

      1. Never smoked or quit more than a year ago
      2. A healthy body mass index (BMI)
      3. Physical activity, and the more the better
      4. Blood pressure below 120/80.
      5. Fasting blood glucose less than 100 milligrams/deciliter
      6. Total cholesterol of less than 200 milligrams/deciliter
      7. Eating a healthy diet

      The AHA hopes the seven factors could improve the cardiovascular health of Americans by 20 percent by the year 2020, and also reduce deaths from cardiovascular-related diseases and strokes by 20 percent.

      Not only is it IRONIC that the majority would neglect chest pains because of concerns over cost of treatment, it could end up as the ULTIMATE TRAGEDY!!! So, if one thinks that S$220 is too much to pay for a month's consumption of MonaVie juice, one should perhaps think again as certainly the COST OF TREATMENT FOR HEART ATTACKS WOULD SURELY BE SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER!!! Not only that, it could undesirably result in the TRAGIC LOSS OF LIFE!!!

      Among the reported benefits/features of this deep purple Açai berry are: • Prevents arteriosclerosis • Provides anti-allergenic support • Helps prevent blood clots • High levels of dietary fiber • High levels of essential amino acids and trace minerals • High levels of plant sterols, which have been shown to help control cholesterol • Essential fatty acids ratio that resembles olive oil, which has been shown to help combat heart disease • Protein profile similar to eggs • Very low sugar content • Greater energy/stamina • Improved mental focus • Prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's • Better sleep • Improved digestion • Improved sexual function • Immune system support • High levels of antioxidants • Anti-aging support • Promotes better circulation.

      Go with MonaVie for your VITAL NUTRITIONAL NEEDS and for BETTER CARE OF YOUR BODY!!!

      Please COMPLETE the FORM right at the BOTTOM of the PAGE, should you wish to REGISTER IMMEDIATELY to become a DISTRIBUTOR or to become a CONSUMER / PREFERRED CUSTOMER to BEGIN your JOURNEY with MONAVIE.

      Alternatively, call me at: +65 9630-1658 RON YEAP

      Thursday, January 7, 2010

      NUTRITION, the KEY to ENERGY!!! Say Bon Appétit with MONAVIE...Where the "BON" Stands for "Bottle Of Nutrition"

      "The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition." ~ Thomas Edison

      "Don’t eat anything your great-great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food. There are a great many food-like items in the supermarket your ancestors wouldn't recognize as food (Go-Gurt? Breakfast-cereal bars? Nondairy creamer?); stay away from these." ~ Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma

      "Virtually no one in the field of health and nutrition speaks about the concept of food having energy, but if you stop and think about it, it intuitively makes sense. Vegetables have a lighter energy than proteins. Animal meat from tortured animals has a different energy than meat from animals that lived a peaceful existence." ~ Joshua Rosenthal, founder/director of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition

       "Don't DIG your GRAVE with your own KNIFE and FORK!" ~ English Proverb

      "If the DOCTORS of TODAY do not become the NUTRITIONISTS of TOMORROW, then the NUTRITIONISTS of TODAY will become the DOCTORS of tomorrow." ~ Rockefeller Institute of Medicine research

      An article by Ken Adachi titled "Nutrition, the Key to Energy" had the following to say:

      The value of proper nutrition cannot be emphasized enough. Your body's health is directly related to what you put into it. Modern supermarket food is devitalized due to contaminants and processing. Organic, fresh, raw foods possess forms of energy not currently understood by orthodox science. Some of these esoteric energies can be measured and detected, however. There is an instrument available today, the Vohl Dermatron, that can measure the "vital force" of food. A simpler method (but no less accurate) is to use a dowsing pendulum to determine this vital force on a scale of 1-10 for instance. Raw foods also contain digestive enzymes that cooked and processed foods lack. The digestive enzymes that Nature provides with the raw fruit, vegetable, or meat is the perfect match for that particular food. If you don't get the digestive enzymes in the foods that you eat, your body has to make them. That requires energy and nutrients that's depleting of your energy resources. Many researchers who study those elements that contribute to longevity feel that the human body has a limited capacity and store of enzyme production over a lifetime. When your enzyme producing capacity expires, you expire! 

      Go with MonaVie for your VITAL NUTRITIONAL NEEDS!!!

      Please COMPLETE the FORM right at the BOTTOM of the PAGE, should you wish to REGISTER IMMEDIATELY to become a DISTRIBUTOR or to become a CONSUMER / PREFERRED CUSTOMER to BEGIN your JOURNEY with MONAVIE.

      Alternatively, call me at: +65 9630-1658 RON YEAP

      Tuesday, January 5, 2010

      MonaVie's New Product: MonaVie (M)mūn with Wellmune WGP® - TOTALLY BACKED By SCIENCE For Your Body's IMMUNITY!!!

      Wellmune WGP® is a natural ingredient that is clinically proven to enhance key immune responses and promote health, wellness and vitality. Wellmune WGP® is an all-natural compound (specifically a glucopolysachharide) isolated from the cell walls of a strain of baker's yeast. It acts as a food for the immune system. Available in functional foods, beverages and supplements worldwide, Wellmune WGP® activates innate immune cells, which are the body's first line of defense, to more quickly find and kill foreign intruders. Wellmune WGP® tells key immune cells to react more quickly to the presence of disease-causing organisms, resulting in improved overall health.

      This patented technology delivers broad protection without over-stimulation of the immune system. Wellmune WGP® has broad regulatory approval, including GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) status under regulations of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Wellmune WGP® is also Kosher, Halal, non-allergenic and GMO-free.

      Wellmune WGP® is a product of Biothera, a U.S. biotechnology company dedicated to improving immune health. Biothera and their academic associates have invested over $250 million in research and development in collaboration with well known institutions like Brown Cancer Center at the University of Louisville, the National Institute of Health, The Mayo Clinic and the U.S. and Canadian Departments of Defense.

      MonaVie products feature an exclusive blend of the powerful açai berry, found only in remote regions of the Amazon, and other nutrient-dense fruits, each selected for its specific nutritional properties. MonaVie is designed to provide you with the antioxidants and phytonutrients you need to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. MonaVie's latest and most exciting product - MonaVie (M)mūn - has already been backed by 7 Human Clinical Studies.

      A recent study has shown that Wellmune WGP® reduces cold symptoms. It is important to note that Wellmune WGP® does not prevent colds or sickness, but that it reduces the severity and duration of symptoms. Studies have shown Wellmune WGP® to suppress / reduce upper-respiratory tract infection (URTI) symptoms such as sore throats. According to a study published in Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, beta-glucan (as Wellmune WGP®, from Biothera) may prevent upper-respiratory tract infection (URTI) symptoms and improve overall health and mood following a competitive marathon (2009;8:509-515). The placebo-controlled, double blind study self-administered a placebo, 250 mg/d or 500 mg/d of beta 1,3/1,6 glucan to 75 marathon runners (35 men, 40 women) ranging in age from 18 to 53 years during a four-week post-marathon trial period following the 2007 Carlsbad Marathon. During the course of the four-week study, subjects in the treatment groups (250 mg/d and 500 mg/d of beta-glucan) reported significantly fewer URTI symptoms, better overall health and decreased confusion, fatigue, tension and anger, and increased vigor compared to placebo.

      More than 200 subjects participated in the double-blind, placebo controlled studies, which measured both stress-related incidence of URTI sysmptons (i.e. cold, flu) and psychological well-being (i.e. vigor, tension, mental clarity and fatigue). Individuals with high stress lifestyles who took Wellmune WGP® reported striking results, including a:
      • 42% increase in vigor;
      • 38% reduction in fatigue;
      • 19% reduction in tension; and
      • 15% reduction in stress-induced confusion.
      "The studies indicate that healthy normal people who lead stressful lifestyles due to everyday events arising from their careers, exercise, travel and interaction with others may benefit from Wellmune WGP®," said Don Cox, Ph.D, Biothera Vice-President of Research and Development. "Wellmune WGP®'s unique mechanism of action fortifies the body's immune response to the health challenges we face constantly."

      Beta-Glucan is primarily cultured extract of Baker's Yeast cell wall. It is used as an immunostimulant. Beta-glucans are sugar molecules (polysaccharides). They are found bound together as a sugar / protein complex. Certain plants and microorganisms are naturally high in this polysaccharide compound. The richest concentrated source is baker's yeast cell walls. (Because there is basically no yeast left in the products and they have low protein levels, it is considered hypoallergenic.) It is present in lesser amounts in mushroom extracts and Lentinen, Barley, Oat, etc. Sodium alginate is also an excellent source, but the high sodium content is a major drawback in the processing for supplemental use.

      What glucans seem to do is to stimulate / irritate your white blood cells called Macrophages into action. There is actually beta-glucan receptors displayed by immune cells that the lectin fits right into like a lock and key and switches on or activates the macrophage to do it's job...clean up. Increased macrophage activity triggers a whole cascade of immune events, which basically boost immune response, which improves Natural Host Resistance. It also stimulates the production of immune cells.

      It is proven beneficial for conditions related to immunity.

      A recent article from the The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (The FASEB Journal) shows that antioxidants, largely found in plant-based foods, just may be H1N1 influenza’s Achilles heel. In laboratory testing they demonstrate the ability to prevent the H1N1 virus from invading and colonizing our lungs. The research, conducted by Sadis Matalon and his colleagues, also suggests that antioxidants can help in the treatment of H1N1 influenza.

      The team of researchers discovered that influenza virus’ contain a protein called M2, which destroys or damages the epithelial cells of our lungs by removing liquid from inside, promoting the early stages of pneumonia as well as other lung problems.

      The research was carried out in four steps. First, the lung protein was injected into frog eggs to measure its function. Second, the M2 protein from H1N1 virus and the lung protein were injected into frog eggs and the researchers discovered that the M2 protein caused the lung protein function to decrease significantly.

      The team then isolated the segment of the virus M2 protein responsible for the damage to the lung protein and were able to demonstrate that without this segment, the virus was unable to damage the lung protein. Lastly, an intact virus M2 protein and the lung protein were then re-injected into frog eggs along with antioxidant drugs. The antioxidants prevented the virus M2 protein from damaging the lung protein. When these experiments were repeated using human lung cells, the results were exactly the same.

      “Although vaccines will remain the first line of intervention against the flu for a long time to come, this study opens the door for entirely new treatments geared toward stopping the virus after you’re sick,” said Gerald Weissmann, M.D., Editor-in-Chief of the FASEB Journal, “and this discovery is another reason to drink red wine to your health.”

      That's just drinking red wine alone.

      Your Immune System is fascinating, complex, powerful, and critical in keeping you healthy! Without a properly functioning defense mechanism, our bodies would be virtually overrun by various bacteria, viruses, cancers and other pathogens in hours to days and we will cease to exist.

      With immune system performance a global health issue, food, beverage and supplement manufacturers are constantly releasing new products to capitalize on this new awareness for sales and profits. The truth hits close to home. Fully 87% of Americans eat and drink foods and beverages that make claims to boost immune system function, according to a 2008 survey by the International Food Information Council Foundation.

      Products containing Wellmune WGP® are said to stimulate the body's defense mechanisms by acting as nutrition for the immune system, promoting health, wellness and vitality.

      "The bottom line is that sugar upsets the body chemistry and suppresses the immune system. Once the immune system becomes suppressed, the door is opened to infectious and degenerative diseases. The stronger the immune system the easier it is for the body to fight infectious and degenerative diseases." ~ Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.

      MonaVie's newest Premier Açai  Blend - MonaVie (M)mūn with Wellmune WGP® - as a product with a purpose, has been scientifically formulated to support a healthy immune system and enhance your body's natural defenses on a daily basis, thus optimizing your body's natural defenses. Physical, psychological and emotional stress weaken the immune system, making us more susceptible to the health challenges that attack us every minute of every day. Proper nutrition is one of the easiest ways to boost the immune system. Building your immune system with proper nutrition allows it to operate machine-like in the immune system's fight against foreign invaders. So, why settle for less? Go with MonaVie (M)mūn with Wellmune WGP®.

      Click on the IMAGE on the right to play an IMMUNE SYSTEM DRAMATIZATION VIDEO by MonaVie.

      From picking the RIGHT and BEST BERRIES to picking the RIGHT and BEST GLOBAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, it has got to be MONAVIE!!!  

      Please COMPLETE the FORM right at the BOTTOM of the PAGE, should you wish to REGISTER IMMEDIATELY to become a DISTRIBUTOR or to become a CONSUMER / PREFERRED CUSTOMER to BEGIN your JOURNEY with MONAVIE.

      Alternatively, call me at: +65 9630-1658 RON YEAP

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      Put a website form like this on your site.